Far West Roofing, Inc

We are a Certified Master Elite Roofing Contractor and among the top Lehi roof installers. Add to that, the following 3 major industry certifications:
In order to protect your home to the highest level, we exceed manufacturer's requirements with our installation. Our Ultimate Roof SystemTM makes every area of your roof protected against wind, water and heat. In fact your roof will be installed with a high-wind installation, capable of withstanding the harshest circumstances. Whether you choose 3-tab, 30-year, 40-year, or Lifetime shingles, you can be assured that you will have the highest quality roof when you choose Far West Roofing. No other Lehi roofing contractor is better at installing rain gutters, roofing shingles, roofing sheets, or roofing felt—we even have metal roofing materials! READ MORE... 

Far West Roofing, Inc. 

was founded in 1995 by Olin Van Der Wat and Douglas Cooper. Since that time our roofing company has earned a reputation of being the industry leader among Lehi roofing contractors. Our roofing company is leading the way to change how roofing is done.  From higher installation standards, longer more comprehensive warranties to a push for green roofing, Far West Roofing sets the standard for all others to follow in the current Lehi roofing market.  Thousands of satisfied clients would agree.

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